what is 7200 meaning? | teenmar mallanna padayatra.
A few months back teenmar mallanna announced padyatra and said this padaYatra is to promote the number 7200.
And also said this is not a number but it will change the future of every citizen of Telangana. and it will bring a new change in Telangana politics.
in this pada Yatra, we are(mallanna) going to promote the 7200 movements.
Many of the people, including other political party leaders also waiting to know about this number 7200.
Well, many of the people are analyzing that 7200 as, " teenmar mallanna wants to do padaYatra for 7200 kilometers and that's the meaning of this 7200 number & in this padayatra mallanna will try to educate the rural & urban people and that results electing good the governance in upcoming elections that is in 2023 elections.
On other hand the number of hours that mallanna wants to do pada Yatra. i,e 300 days X 24 hours = 7200 hours.
Well, this is the secret behind the number 7200. We have to wait for the teenmar Mallanna team's official announcement is this true or is there anything else, in a few days' hope.
What is the meaning of 7200 meaning in Telugu?
as we discussed earlier, there is N number of predictions or guessings are happening in social media like (Facebook & YouTube) the official confirmation has to come from teenmar mallanna.
When will teenmar mallanna go to start pada Yatra?
In very recent morning news, teenmar mallanna said that "due to a lot of team meetings in recent days I am unable to speak properly, after 1st of December all meetings are going done & will announce soon."(maybe the first week of December)
How to download q news' paper shanarthi Telangana paper?
as we know q news's official paper I,e shanarthi Telangana paper is started. It is very is to download from Google.
First, open your chrome browser or any that you are using.
Then search (grknews24) in Google you will be displayed grknews24 website. Click That website and you can find shanarthi Telangana paper's download link with the date. You can click that link and download it.
Daily shanarthi Telangana paper?
if you are using the telegram app you can search 'shanarthi Telangana' in your telegram app and you can find one channel called ( shanarthi Telangana paper daily ) and click the join button. Then you can get the daily paper of Shanarthi Telangana and tolivelugu.